Project #3 - A Movie Poster

 Name : Dewi Kencana Sari

 NIM : 112020029

     Hello everyone! Now I will share my experience during made this movie poster project. 

     In this project, I was chose the book with the title is A Dream Come True, the author is Andrea M. Hutchinson, the level of book is A2 elementary, the word count is 6969, and the genre is factual. This is the link to accsess that book

     My experience about made this movie poster project is I felt less satisfied with the result, because there was many mistake on the presentation editing. But, even the result wasn't good enough, I still felt happy because from this project I can studied editing and made the presentation slide by myself. Beside that, I can studied to made a movie poster with PicsArt Application that was my first time to used that application. And I was made this project with my partner that was help me to made this project too.

     And the last, this is the link to accsess our movie poster video


  1. Hi Dewi,
    If this is your first time using all the apps to make this project, I should say this is good. And yes, you should be proud of yourself because you can learn editing and you can finish the project nicely.

    For the summary, there are too many little details. You can make it more general next time. And of course, you need to pay attention to your grammar.


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